This is a Fake Padre Pio
glove from Bulgaria |
This is a Fake Padre Pio
cloth relic with fake seal |
I received this in front of a
church in Naples they were raising money to fix the church
then later i found out that people from Romania walk the
streets doing this all day saying that they are from the
church but actually they just stand in front of it passing
these out for money.
Jackie R. |
This is a Fake Padre Pio
cloth relic with fake seal |

Let me start by saying that I absolutely
adored this piece so to find out that it was not real
Taylor L.
This is a standard fake
relic |
To say I am disappointed is an understatement! We went
to Bulgaria on vacation and acquired this, we thought at
the time a high end store. We took it home and shared it
with our parish and found out it wasn't real. Aahhh I am
so MAD.
Terry J.
I was in France at a antique store named
Tour du monde. Please save your money. This place
is an absolute joke.? From what I understand everything
isn't real in this store.
William P.


If you are a victim of any of these
relics please contact your local police and file a report.
These are all individuals sharing their personal
Click here to see FAKE
relics of Padre Pio
here to see relics authenticated by Fr. Carlo Laborde
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