Padre Pio FoundationThis site is dedicated to the life and work of Padre Pio.
Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
Padre Pio on Luisa: “The world will be astounded at her greatness!”
Padre Pio sent many people to Luisa Piccarreta and would say to the people of her home town who went to San Giovanni Rotondo: "What have you come here for? You have Luisa, go to her". She received direct revelations on the Divine Will and how to perfectly fulfill, and actually live, the petition of the Lord's Prayer: "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta of Corato, Italy, was a contemporary of Padre Pio, and even lived in the same region of southern Italy as the Padre. Although they never met personally, they knew about each other, and Luisa wrote to him when the Vatican under Pope Pius XI issued warnings about some of her writings. He was the same pope who had prevented Padre Pio from saying Mass for two years. Padre Pio sent this reply through his spiritual child Federico Abresch: "Dear Luisa, saints serve for the good of souls, but their suffering knows no bounds". The website for this book is - Kindle or paperback. Article about Padre Pio and Luisa Piccarreta:
My first book about St. Padre Pio is now in an exciting new second edition. Published by it also has a new title, Padre Pio and America. Another new feature is a large photo section, including many in color. The first edition was entitled The Holy Man on the Mountain. On July 5, 2008, the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat were conferred on Padre Pio and America by Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli of the Diocese of Wilmington, and the by the diocesan Censor Librorum Rev. Leonard B. Klein. The heart of this unique biography consists of interviews with American GI's who climbed the Gargano Mountain during W.W.II, in order to meet the stigmatized saint. Contains the complete story of the "Flying Monk" miracle. Also includes chapters on people close to Padre Pio and/or who made him known in this country, such as American heiress Mary Pyle, Fr. Joseph Pius, Joe Peluso, Joe Peterson, William Carrigan, Mario Bruschi, Charles Mandina, Vera Calandra (National Centre for Padre Pio), Marge and Joe Spada (Padre Pio Foundation), and many others. A very limited number of copies of the first edition of the book are available. This edition, titled The Holy Man on the Mountain, was published by Aventine Press. Autographed copies of this first edition, or of the new edition, may be obtained. If you wish to inquire about an autographed copy, please send me an emal. ...thank you... To read an excerpt, from the chapter on Padre Pio's last Mass and final hours, My new book, St. Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of the Muslims is published by TAN Books and Publishers. The book tells the little-known story of how he joined the Fifth Crusade in an attempt to convert the Muslims to Christianity. He actually succeeded in crossing over to the camp of the Muslims and spoke with the sultan. A biography of the saint is also included. To inquire about autographed copies, email the author:
Padre Pio: "I
offer my life to the Lord in order to avert a universal
cataclysm". Saint Padre Pio, canonized
in Rome on June 16, 2002 by Pope John Paul II. Padre Pio was the first priest in the history of
the Roman Catholic Church to bear the wounds of Christ (the stigmata) on
his body. He bore the stigmata for 50 years, and lived in the twentieth
century in Southern Italy, passing away in 1968. Though basically a
cloistered monk, he erected one of the greatest hospitals in all of
Europe, which he called the House for the Relief of Suffering. He spent
most of his time in the confessional, where he could read the sins of
penitents in their hearts, and often reminded them of transgressions that
they themselves had forgotten. His miracles are so many and so fantastic that
one has to be prepared to learn about them a little at a time, otherwise
it would lead to incredulity. The words of Christ, "greater signs than
these you shall do because I go to the Father" were fulfilled in the life
of Padre Pio. He was declared Venerable by the Church on December 18,
1997, the first step on the way to canonization. He had many detractors
and suffered great persecution, in addition to the painful wounds of the
stigmata, most of his priestly life.
Important Update Information
Published in
Christian Order,
December 2006 issue. answering the
carbolic acid accusations Published in the June 2012 issue of Catholic Family News
and in The Voice of Padre Pio, Sept-Oct. 2012 Published in the November,
2011 issue of Catholic Family News and also in The Voice of
Padre Pio, Jan-Feb 2012, published by his Friary
The Blessed Mother said to him: “I am
entrusting this unborn child to your care and protection.”
Published in the November 2008 issue of Christian Order A Letter from St.
Padre Pio to Annita Rodote Published in "The Voice of Padre Pio," March-April 2008,
pp. 23-23. A two part article
published in the "Catholic Digest", Dec. 2007 and Jan. 2008 issues.
St. Pio defended the controversial
encyclical, praising its “lofty teachings” and “eternal truths.”
An aspect of the document often overlooked
today is its grim warning that governments might “impose” contraceptive
methods on citizens.
In the light of the Humanae Vitae’s
other accurate predictions, Padre Pio said: "The world
will be astounded at her greatness; not many years will pass before this
happens. The new millennium will see Luisa’s light." Sometime in late September of
1994, shortly after my return from a pilgrimage to the shrine at San
Giovanni Rotondo where Padre Pio lived and worked for over 50 years,
I had my first encounter with the fabled perfume and fragrance he
showers upon his spiritual children. It was after Saturday morning
Mass at St. Augustine's Church in Elkridge, Maryland. I had a small
photo album of my just-developed pictures from the pilgrimage, and
was going to share them with a very good friend from my parish. We
were just heading out from the church parking lot to get a cup of
coffee and look at the photos, and suddenly a very intense, thick
aroma of roses permeated the car. It seemed to be coming from
nowhere in particular, and was a delightful fragrance. I asked my
passenger if she smelled this very powerful aroma, and she said no,
she did not. I then asked if she was wearing a perfume of flowers,
and she denied that too. She said all she had used that morning was
very mild and lemonish in smell. After about five minutes the
aroma of roses faded away. I took this as a sign from Padre Pio that
he was pleased that I had gone to San Giovanni Rotondo, and also
that I was sharing this experience with others. A second experience of Padre
Pio's signal of heavenly perfume occurred just prior to another
pilgrimage to Italy. We were to fly out on TWA, and not long ago the
tragic explosion of TWA flight 800 had occurred, killing all aboard.
It was September of 1996, and I had decided to have breakfast at
Frank's Diner in Jessup, Maryland, as I often did on Saturday
mornings. I walked in carrying a book by Oscar De Liso, entitled
"Padre Pio, the Priest who Bears the Wounds of Christ". Usually I
sit at a booth, but that morning I decided to try the counter, and
to perhaps be able to arouse someone's curiosity as to this Padre
Pio that I was reading about. I do remember that a working class
gentleman sat next to me on my left, and that there was some small
talk between us. Finishing breakfast, I walked
up to the cashier's booth and began paying my bill. She looked up at
me and asked "Do you have a rose in your book?" At that moment, I
did catch a very delicate smell of roses that did seem to come from
the book on Padre Pio. I also realized that this very subtle aroma
had been present for a while but I had not consciously noticed it.
It was not the intense perfume that had marked the prior incident of
two years ago. When the cashier spoke, I became rather excited and
told her that there was no rose in the book but that this was a
miracle, that this was a special gift from this saint that I was
reading about. There were others present nearby, waiting in line to
be seated, and I looked around to see if any one had any reaction to
what I said, but there was none that anybody openly showed.
After I paid and left the
diner, the fragrance disappeared. I took this to be a sign from
Padre Pio not to worry about making the trip on TWA, and that all
would go well. I then put aside any anxiety about making this
pilgrimage, and thanks be to God and Padre Pio, all did go well on
this journey to the shrines of Italy. From a series of
articles by Paolo Scarano, run in September of 1997 in the Italian
magazine Gente.
Pietruccio, Padre Pio's blind friend, talking about the time
Padre Pio might have healed him. The Friar from Pietrelcina made me
understand that he would have been able to obtain the grace from the
Lord for my healing, giving me the ability to see again, during a
particular period in his life. This episode took place between 1931
and 1933, years in which Padre Pio underwent a difficult
investigation from the ecclesiastical authorities in the Vatican. ---- some paragraphs skipped ----- It seemed absurd to me that a person as good
as he was would have to submit to such harassment . I also suffered
alongside him. And to relieve him from his sorrows, I asked him
"Padre, why don’t you make a appeal to the Pope so that this
persecution of you would cease?" He replied "Listen, my child, if we
have to appeal to the Pope, I must apologize for something, implore
pardon for a fault. But to me, thanks be to God, I seem to have done
nothing wrong. Let us leave all to God. I am in His hands. If it
pleases Him to keep me in this state, His will be done." Then he interrupted himself. He sighed and
continued speaking with a remark that he often repeated to me in
those sad days. "Happy you are, blessed you are Pietruccio, that you
are blind and do not see the brutality of this world." The sense of
solidarity I felt with him gave me the courage to say: "Padre, I am
content all the same. It is enough for me to be near you. The cross
of my blindness is nothing in comparison to yours." "How can you say
you are content?" he asked me. "Padre, I am happy, I assure you. And
he: "You are content even in this condition?" "Yes, Padre," I
replied. For some minutes he was quiet. Then, all of
a sudden, with a serious tone he asked me: "Pietro, do you wish to
reacquire your vision?" He took me by surprise. I thought for a
moment and then replied: "Padre, if to see is useful for the good of
my soul, then may the Lord restore my sight. But if it is harmful to
my spiritual salvation, then I prefer to remain blind. For me it is
enough to know that you are near me." I immediately realized that
this statement amazed him. At that time Dr. Mario Sanvico of Perugina,
one of his spiritual children, was present. "Do you see?" he said
turning to the Dr., "Pietruccio prefers not to see. I truly can not
conceive of a blind person being contented." From then on, speaking
with his devotees, he did not fail to comment how marvelous was the
fact that I had refused the grace to have my sight restored. For him
I had become an example of the Christian way of life, to point out
with pride to the faithful. My refusal to many would seem absurd.
However I was completely convinced about what I had said to Padre
Pio. His presence was enough to fill me with joy, to give me the
energy to meet with optimism each day. For me it was better to
remain blind that to lose the close friendship with the Friar from
Padre Pio himself was blind for a few days
From a series of articles by Paolo Scarano,
run in September of 1997 in the Italian magazine Gente. Pietruccio is talking to the reporter Paolo
Scarano from Gente magazine: The friar said these things because he had
experienced himself the drama of blindness. Few know about it, but
in one period of his life the Padre also lost his sight. It happened
one day in the early Twenties, when during a summer afternoon he was
in the garden of the convent. While speaking with the veterinarian
of the town, all at once he could not see. "I saw descend on me
something like a black cloth which covered me from the head on
downwards", he told me. The phenomenon lasted for many days, during
which Padre Pio had need of a guide in order to carry out his
priestly ministry. In that period I was his guide, accompanying him
from one cell to the other in the convent, and from the church to
the sacristy. Subsequently it was Padre Pio, for all of his life,
who was my guide after I was the one that became blind. Padre Pio,
for his part, did reacquire his sight. One day, while seated on the
little wall of the convent’s garden, he became aware that the "black
cloth", as he called it, which had prevented him from seeing, all of
a sudden disappeared and he could see again. That experience terrified him. Later he
could not understand how I, being blind permanently, had not become
desperate. "My son", he would say, "I would rather lose an arm, a
leg…but would not want the Lord to take away my vision." However,
living close to Padre Pio, I did not think about my own cross. It
was as if Padre Pio carried the cross of my own blindness together
with me. As if he were giving me his own eyes. I appreciated this
more when I lost my father and my mother. I was destined to be alone
and blind in the world, if I did not have near me the beneficent
presence of Padre Pio. Fr John Schug (OFM Capuchin), was the
author of two of the most important books in English on Padre Pio,
A Padre Pio Profile, and Padre Pio. He was the
spiritual director on my 1994 Padre Pio pilgrimage, which was
organized by another writer on the Padre, Jeanette Salerno. One of
his last projects was to obtain any and all information pertaining
to one of Padre Pio's most spectacular feats. During the second world war, many attempts
were made by Allied air forces to bomb the small town of San
Giovanni Rotondo, a city whose only boast was the monastery where
Padre Pio was residing. Intelligence data spoke of a cache of
German munitions in the area. But none of the Allied planes were
ever able to deliver any bombs over the area. There were often
mysterious malfunctions, causing the bombs to drop harmlessly in the
fields, or mechanical failures which caused the planes to veer off
course. But the real story is told by the pilots who did make it
near the city - they reported that they were told to turn back by an
apparition in the skies - a vision of a flying monk who waved them
away. Most of the airmen were afraid to mention any of this until
after the war, when many groups of American and British soldiers
came to pay their respects to the famous friar. It was then that he
was identified as that very same 'flying monk' by those who had seen
him in the sky! Fr. Schug was understandably very interested
in this story, especially since there still may be a few surviving
witnesses. If any one has any first hand knowledge of the "flying
monk", or knows of someone who does, The
Efficacious Novena This Novena prayer
was recited every day by
my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you,
O my Jesus. you have said:
"Truly I say to you,
O my Jesus, you have said:
"Truly I say to you,
O, Sacred Heart of Jesus,
for whom it is impossible *
Padre Pio relic at St.
Michael's Cave
Translated from an article by Padre Silvano
Troncarelli, Gente, 3 April 1999, N.15, Anno XLIII, p. 56.
If you wish, it is possible to visit
another location dear to Padre Pio, not far from San Giovanni
Rotondo, and it is also found on the Gargano: the Sanctuary at Monte
Sant'Angelo, which is dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. Padre
Pio visited here in 1917 and celebrated a Mass, before being
transferred officially to the monastery which sheltered him for the
rest of his life. For this celestial personage he had a
lively devotion. He did not fail to recommend that his spiritual
children invoke this Prince of the heavenly armies, conqueror of
Satan and his demonic army. One curiosity: in the Sanctuary of Monte
Sant'Angelo is conserved to this day the Chasuble worn by Padre Pio
at the Mass he celebrated in the grotto consecrated to the
apparition of St. Michael. *
He prayed 36 rosaries a day, and offered his life to avert a
universal cataclysm.
Translated from "The Gospel of Padre Pio" a series of three articles
running once a week in the Italian magazine Oggi, based on
interviews with Padre Carmelo, who when young was the spiritual
child of Padre Pio, and later in life became his Superior at the
Friary in San Giovanni Rotondo. The articles were published
beginning April 28, 1999, and were written by Gisella Pagano and
Matilde Amorosi. Padre Carmelo recalled that one night,
with two other Friars, he entered the cell of his spiritual father
in order to wish him good night. They found him ready for bed,
with a little cap on his head, tied with two loops around his neck,
and with white half-gloves covering his wounded hands. To his
visitors he explained: "I must pray two and a half rosaries before
going to sleep". And in response to the question of Padre Carmelo
as to how many he had said during the day he replied: "To my
Superior I must tell the truth: I have said thirty four. I am able
to recite so many because when I hear confessions and the penitents
are going to need time, first I make them tell their sins, and then
I permit them to speak about any others they might have. And while
listening to them I say the rosary. But this, thirty six in one
day, is not for you. It is enough for you to pray fewer, but it is
necessary to pray, to pray."
[Padre Carmelo was eventually transferred, but during the last
years of Padre Pio's life, often visited him] The cruel reality, that of a man very
ill and morally crushed, was evident during the visits of Padre
Pio's ex-Superior. Upon this holy Friar, he recounted, was imposed
the praying of only one rosary per day, according to the Conventual
rules, an absurd chastisement, very painful for one who normally
prayed thirty six daily, passing the night in prayer. Moreover, he
was forced to limit his confessions, to rest more, and to eat more;
the pretense being for his physical well-being. But they never took
into account the transcendental dimensions into which he had soared
in the last years of his life, thereby indirectly putting into doubt
his very sanctity. "In my memory my spiritual Father is
similar to the figures of the Old Testament at the end of their
days, a new Moses, leading not only one group of people, but a whole
multitude of peoples disseminated throughout the globe. I kneeled
before him to kiss his hand and to give him a filial embrace. He
returned the embrace and smiled without speaking. His confrere
Padre Mariano asked him "Do you recognize who this is?". The holy
Friar looked at him with a stare as if he were coming out from a
state of ecstasy with the Lord, and spoke: "Yes, I recognize him."
Then he said this, word for word: "My son, I offer my life to the
Lord in order to avert a universal
cataclysm". Padre Pio's Friary at San Giovanni Rotondo
publishes an English language bi-monthly magazine called "The Voice of
Padre Pio", To obtain subscription information, contact the
bold and thought-provoking, the above book is available in print or Kindle
Padre Pio in a sketch
by Roberto Lughetti, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina was an Italian Capuchin friar and mystic. He
died in 1968 at the age of 81. Saint Pio was credited with thousands of miraculous cures during his
lifetime, and is still venerated as a miracle-worker. For years the Vatican opposed the cult which grew up around Padre Pio,
but then changed its attitude, granting him the highest honour possible
after his death: full sainthood. H Pio is revered for having borne stigmata: permanent wounds
on his hands and feet like those Christ suffered at the crucifixion. He
lived for decades with these bleeding wounds. Doctors never found a medical explanation for the injuries, which
never healed but never became infected. Pio's followers said he bore the
wounds of the crucified Christ.
Pio leading Mass,
circa 1950, with coverings protecting the stigmata on his hand
Even before his canonisation, Padre Pio's former monastery at San
Giovanni Rotondo had become a major site of pilgrimage for Catholics
from around the world. His shrine there receives eight million visitors
a year. Pio's image is displayed in homes, shops, garages - even on the
backs of trucks - in many parts of Italy. Pio was canonised by the late Pope John Paul II . John Paul II was
said to have a special affection for Padre Pio, and as a young man
travelled to his monastery in southern Italy for confession. The approval of Padre Pio's sainthood took place in record time, but
during his lifetime many in the Church doubted claims of his miraculous
cures and suggested he was a fraud.
Pio was said to have known what penitents would confess to him. He
reportedly wrestled with the devil in his cell. In granting him sainthood, the Church officially recognised two of
his miracles: the curing of an 11-year-old boy who was in a coma and the
medically inexplicable recovery of a woman with lung disease. In 2007 the Catholic Enquiry Office (CEO) in London declared Saint
Pio as the patron saint of stress relief and the January blues. This
followed research from a health psychologist at Cardiff University that
named 22 January as the single most depressing day of that year. The formula is based on the poorest weather, seasonal debt, the
anti-climax after Christmas, the abandonment of New Year's resolutions
and the dates when motivation levels hit rock bottom - and the date
chosen is always a Monday. The CEO launched Don't Worry Be Happy Day in response. They
chose Saint Pio to lead it because they believe his most famous
catchphrase, "Pray, hope and don't worry", is particularly appropriate
to the winter blues. Claire Ward from the CEO said: We see this phrase as providing the all-time January pick-me-up
slogan. Spiritual things can connect with modern day life and every
day issues. The spiritual journey is at the heart of all of our
experiences from the post-Christmas blues to marking key moments in
our lives. Clare Ward, spokesperson, Catholic Enquiry Office She claims that prayer is an important aid to relaxation regardless
of one's personal beliefs about God. Gathering one's thoughts and having a quiet time, she says, brings
new hope. In turn, this helps to offset worries and gives people a new
perspective on life. St Pio is the perfect saint for Don't Worry Be Happy day. He was
a man who suffered in many ways but because he discovered that all
of life has a purpose, he found a deep joy and lasting peace that he
wanted to share with others. Brother Loarne, National Shrine of Saint Pio in Pantasaph,
North Wales We hope that people will be helped through the January blues and
perhaps be introduced to a new way of affirming and energising
living which is ultimately found through meeting a person - Jesus
Christ. Mgr Keith Barltrop, director, Catholic Enquiry Office
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